Glow! YOUR School for




Glow! YOUR School for

Belly Dance



Celebrate your Divine Feminity!

hey, beauty!

Hi, ich bin Shaheena Azar,

seit rund 15 Jahren professionelle Bauchtanztänzerin, Dozentin, zertifizierte Post- & Pränataltrainerin

Eines der Dinge, die mir immer wieder auffielen, war, wie schwierig es für meine Schüler war, Bauchtanz – vor allem gesund – zu lernen. Deshalb habe ich es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, den ältesten Tanz der Welt einfach & zugänglich zu machen, damit jede Frau (unabhängig von ihren Fähigkeiten) so schnell wie möglich die Freude am Bauchtanz erleben & die vielen Vorteile erfahren kann. GLOW! verbindet Tanz, Fitness & feminines Selbstbewusstsein, um Frauen zu inspirieren, in ihrer vollen Kraft zu erstrahlen.

I’m on a mission to help women
feel confident, sexy, and captivating
in their own skin.


Entdecke Deine Tanz-Reise


Bauchtanz-Unterricht & Fitness Kurse 

in Schwalmtal, Viersen (DE) und Nederweert (NL) 

für jedes Alter und jedes Level!


Egal ob Hochzeit, Geburtstag oder Firmen-Event, Shaheena Azar hat den passenden Show-Act für Sie bereit für stimmige abendfüllende Shows – Und das Beste: Immer individuell für Sie zusammengestellt. Es gibt keine „Fertigpakete“.


Veränder Dein Leben mit Bauchtanz und fühl Dich fantastisch in Deiner Haut mit einer spassigen und sexy Lösung gegen Inkontinenz, zur Stärkung Deiner Körpermitte & Deines Beckenbodens.

Wissenschaftliche Studien belegen, dass Bauchtanz nachweislich und nachhaltig den Beckenboden und die Core-Muskulatur stärkt.

Aktuell angebotene Workshops & Specials

Where your Story

Genug von traditionellen Workouts?

Bauchtanz bei GLOW! ist eine einzigartige Verschmelzung von Tanz, Fitness, Beckenboden & Core Training und weiblichem Empowerment, die Frauen dazu inspirieren soll, in ihrer vollen Kraft zu erstrahlen. Die Kunst des orientalischen Tanzes, allgemein bekannt als Bauchtanz, ist mehr als nur eine schöne und künstlerische Tanzform. Er ist ein Ausdruck von Freude, Selbstentdeckung und Körperbewusstsein. Außerdem dient er als kraftvolle Heilmethode für Körper, Geist und Seele. Beim Bauchtanz fließen Energie, Kraft und Freude vom Kern nach außen und bieten ein effektives und unterhaltsames Ganzkörpertraining.


on demand



you lead the way

"My mission is to help women!
Feel confident, healthy, sexy and captivating in your own skin! No matter what age, what training level, what figure... A Glow! as Unique as you are"

Shaheena Azar


Das sagt die Community!

Customer Reviews

Basierend auf 22 Bewertungen
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Nata YaNata Ya
12:59 15 Apr 24
A great dance teacher who really cares about everyone. The workshop was really a lot of fun and I will be there again 🙏
Eva BorghansEva Borghans
09:43 02 Mar 24
Highly recommended. I've only been here for a short time and I can only say good things. I have no previous experience myself, but I was received extremely warmly and benevolently. There is a consistently positive atmosphere. Joy and fun are always at the forefront.The space is large, friendly, bright and inviting. A large mirror along the entire length of the wall offers enough opportunity for personal feedback.The dance teacher is a wonderful person. She can explain very well and convey and teach you the techniques. She is always positive and full of appreciation. She also has a high level of basic medical knowledge, so that you are always in good hands. This makes sport, exercise and of course dancing really fun.
Cari H.Cari H.
07:49 01 Feb 24
A really great course! The girls really welcome you and make you feel welcome straight away. The fear of not being able to keep up somewhere is completely unfounded, as the dance teacher responds to everyone individually and always picks you up. The lessons are given with a lot of heart, joy, fun and laughter, which gives you a real feel-good factor! My posture and self-confidence have noticeably improved. I literally go through life more upright! Thanks!
Christina FröhlichChristina Fröhlich
17:44 09 May 23
I am enchanted. I can recommend this belly dance course to everyone. I thought for a long time whether I dared to take part. Thank God I decided to do it. The trainer is not only great professionally but also personally. Both absolute beginners and participants who already have experience in belly dancing will be happy here. The trainer always has a good overview and knows what the participants need. The hours fly by and yet there is always time to laugh together. This is sport with passion and fun. Thank you for this experience.
Elman IbadovElman Ibadov
14:24 09 May 23
Professional in his field, I can only advise👍
A really great dance teacher. She responds very well to the individual students - can explain and teach very well. You just feel really comfortable and dare to jump over your shadow and say something. Shaheena pays a lot of attention to the correct execution and posture and I really enjoyed dancing, especially when I was pregnant. It's a great full body workout for mom and baby alike. In addition, it strengthens the pelvic floor and can form a very good basis for later recovery.A really great dance teacher. She responds very well to the individual students - can explain and teach very well. You just feel really comfortable and dare to jump over your shadow and present something. Shaheena pays a lot of attention to correct execution and posture and I really enjoyed dancing, especially when I was pregnant. It's a great full body workout for mom and baby alike. In addition, it strengthens the pelvic floor and can form a very good basis for later recovery.
Siri H.Siri H.
14:11 19 Jun 19
Great performer and teacher. She really knows her art, not only from the sportive point of view but also from a cultural, historic and ethnical one. Seeing her perform doesn't only mean rejoicing in the beauty of her looks, movements and choreography - you can also sense something that goes beyond it all: Shaheena has gathered the wisdom of a longstanding tradition of the various forms of oriental dance (also outside the Arabian world) and unites that in her flawless and unique choreographies.

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From Hips to Heart, Let Your Glow Start!

Erlebe das ultimativ spassige & femininste
"No Work" Workout

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